Thursday, June 08, 2006

At play in the welfare camp. Children from Allaipiddy do not attend school due to displacement
What He Said
What He Said
What could my mother be
to yours ? What kin is my father
to yours anyway ? And how
did you and I meet ever ?
But in love.
Our hearts have mingled
like red earth and pouring rain - Chempulapeyarinar
["poet of red earth and pouring rain"] Kuruntokai 40

I pleaded with the people who killed my husband. I started to cry and asked them "Please do not shoot my husband, who has not done anything wrong". But they shot him and he died later,as there was no medical assistance provided immediately" says Gnanambikai Sangarapillai (68) from Allaipiddy, who is currently staying at the Our Lady of Refuge Church in Jaffna